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Active User,
Involved !


Understand the moment of your users and interact with them through the channels of Email, SMS, Push Notification, WhatsApp or In-App in an assertive way! ENGAGE your user with your app!

It's easy, just click "INVOLVE ME" and be a BETA-TESTER of the Involvexp platform!

You will shortly receive an email with instructions to get started.

How can the platform help?  

Have you ever thought about scheduling a DISCOUNT for users in "São Paulo" who haven't purchased the "Gasolina" product for more than "7 days"?


Send a "welcome" email after signing up for your app?


Or, after a user makes a "purchase", send a DISCOUNT COUPON valid for the next purchase?

uma ilustração de um celular com um aplicativo que utiliza a plataforma de engajamento de usuários, involvexp.

What is a Beta Tester?

- Is a user with the privilege to use the app before the release to the public.

What are the advantages?

- Know the app and updates at first hand

- Have access to our product team for feedback and suggestions

- Be a protagonist in the evolution of the platform

Are there disadvantages to being a Beta Tester?

- As with any Beta version, the chances of failure are higher, but if it happens, corrections will be made quickly.

Can I opt out of the Beta Tester program if I want to?

- Clear! You can ask us to leave at any time.

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